Integrating biodiversity into planning documents

From 17 June 2022, the French Biodiversity Agency French Biodiversity Office (OFB) and the Centre National de Formation des Personnels Territoriaux- National Training Centre serving agents of local public services, (CNFPT) are offering a series of webinars on the integration of biodiversity in planning documents. We met with Hassan Souheil and Kathleen Monod who participated in the development of these webinars.

A new University Diploma (D.U.) on maritime professions

Within the framework of the France Relance national plan, the Martinique Marine Natural Park has concluded an initial partnership with the ICEA, Institut Catholique Européen des Amériques, for the implementation of a new University Diploma on the sea trades. A grant of €131,065 has been allocated by the French Office for Biodiversity to carry out this project.