France Relance Recovery Plan: the OFB supports over 100 new projects in favour of biodiversity in the territories

The French Biodiversity Office (OFB) unveils the list of winners of the second session of the "Atlas of Communal Biodiversity" (ABCs) and "MobBiodiv'Restoration" calls for projects, launched in July 2021 within the framework of the France Relance Recovery Plan, thus closing a particularly mobilising year in favour of supporting actors in the territories.

Biodiv’Eco: 14 projects for reconciling economic development and biodiversity conservation

In March 2021, the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) launched the first Biodiv'Eco call for projects (AAP). This initiative, which closed on 1st July, aims to support the emergence of biodiversity-friendly economic development projects on the Atlantic coast of Overseas France.

"Committed to Nature Initiative": the French Biodiversity Agency encourages businesses and local authorities to take concrete action in favour of nature

The destruction of biodiversity is on the rise, forcing all stakeholders (public and private sectors, associations, etc.) to take action and take on the environmental challenge. To support them in implementing concrete actions, the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) has launched the "Committed to Nature” Initiative (Engagés pour la nature) supported by a national campaign.